Petr Olmer        Chinin        Gramec        Kulturnícek        Povídky        Agent    


P. Olmer: On Blackboard Systems in 3APL. In J. Šafránková (ed.), Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Study WDS 2002, 11. - 14. 6. 2003, Prague, 2003.

P. Olmer: Multi-agent Systems and Semantic Web. In ... (eds.), Proceedings of Doctoral Consortium of ISD 2002, 14. 9. 2002, Technical Report of Riga University, Riga, 2002.

P. Olmer: A Pursuit Of Semantic Web. In J. Šafránková (ed.), Proceedings of the 11th Week of Doctoral Study WDS 2002, Prague, June 11 - 14, Matfyzpress, Prague, 2002.

P. Olmer, P. Štěpánek: Schema-Based Transformations of Prolog Programs in lambdaProlog. In ... (ed.), Logic Programming, Proceedings of International Conference on Logic Programming ICLP 2002 - Kopenhagen, Springer, Berlin, 2002

P. Olmer, C. Vrána: Workflow Application Modelling Using SDL and UML. In G. Harindranath et al. (eds.), New Perspectives on Information Systems Development: Theory, Methods, and Practice, Proceedings of the 10th international conference Information System Development ISD 2001 London, September 5 - 7, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 2002

P. Olmer: Reactive Scheduling Systems in SDL. In M. Valenta (ed.), Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop DATESO 2002Desná, ČVUT, Praha, 2002

P. Olmer: SDL: Programování řízené událostmi. In ... (ed.), Proceedings of Objekty 2001, November 7 - 9, Prague, Czech Republic, 2001.

P. Olmer: SDL: Chybějící článek řetězce? In ... (ed.), Proceedings of the 1st Workshop DATESO 2002 - Desná, 2001, Ostrava, 2001.